Pic-time Users Save Time With Self-Fulfilment from BlueFX


Pic-time Users Save Time With Self-Fulfilment from BlueFX

BlueFX boosts Pic-time productivity with print automation software
Automated pro-rip print solution for Pic-time [en]; Solution d'impression de rip professionnelle automatisée pour Pic-time [fr]; Solución de impresión de rip automatizada para Pic-time [es]; Automatisierte Pro-Rip-Drucklösung für Pic-time [de]; Soluzione di stampa pro-rip automatizzata per Pic-time [it]


What is Pic-time?

Pic-time is a photography management platform which has been much admired for its clean design, customer service, numerous features and built-in fulfilment partners. In addition, it also offers a self-fulfilment option.

What is web-to-print self-fulfilment?

If you are selling photos online, you print all your orders and also undertake to deliver them directly to your clients. Then you are self-fulfilling.

BlueFX is a timely solution

BlueFX takes it one stage further and provides automatic fulfilment for many photographic labs to a host of photographic minilabs and printers.

Recently, a School Photographer wanted to embark on this process. Using an Epson SureLab D3000 dual roll printer they wanted the flexibility of multiple print sizes coupled with custom backprinting. There was also the ability to store and use high-resolution images stored locally on an image server.
With BlueFX we were able to provide the best professional photo printing service with fully just-in-time automated printing to the Epson SureLab D3000 and the Epson SureLab D1000/D1000A (D1070/D1070SE/D1070DE in the US) with an eye to the future.

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What were the key challenges and their solutions?

While self-fulfilment provides many benefits, including cost savings and increased control over the fulfilment process, there are also some potential challenges and drawbacks that BlueFX addresses.
Here are some of the biggest problems concerning self-fulfilment with Pic-time:

Printing Quality

Photographers must ensure that the quality of their prints meets their own and their clients’ standards, and they may need to invest in high-quality printing equipment to achieve this.
BlueFX has support for a several print outputs in the Lab from LFPs (Large Format Printers) to photographic minilabs and printers to match customer product requirements involving resolution quality, colour quality and support of a range of media.

Shipping and handling

Photographers must handle the shipping and handling of their products to clients, which can be time-consuming and may require additional equipment and supplies and processes.
From the Pic-time job order customized Lab Sheets can be created to aid the packing process, together with address labels and print output organisation.

Order fulfilment time

From the Pic-time job order customized Lab Sheets can be created to aid the packing process, together with address labels and print output organisation.

BlueFX’s automated printing workflow allows for minimal intervention by the lab operator. The csv job file is converted into a job which manages the workflow targeting the required printers and other outputs.

Customer service

Photographers must provide customer service to their clients, including answering questions and addressing any issues that arise with orders.
BlueFX has extensive logging capabilities to capture and preserve most aspects of the process. For example, an order can easily be reprinted within a set period.

Product knowledge

Photographers must have a good understanding of the products they are selling, including their quality and specifications, to ensure that their clients receive the products they expect.
IFX has decades of experience, providing a valuable resource.

“A workflow that works for you”
– A self-fulfilling prophecy!

Automated pro-rip print solution for Pic-time [en]; Solution d'impression de rip professionnelle automatisée pour Pic-time [fr]; Solución de impresión de rip automatizada para Pic-time [es]; Automatisierte Pro-Rip-Drucklösung für Pic-time [de]; Soluzione di stampa pro-rip automatizzata per Pic-time [it]


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InsituaFX provides printing workflow solutions for retail and pro labs.
InsituaFX provides printing workflow solutions for retail and pro labs.