Modular Programs

Photo Print Production Workflow Tools


The gateway to custom printing workflow automation

The gateway to custom printing workflow automation

BlueFX is part of a digital photo production workflow software suite designed to automate the job acquisition and printing process. It is the software for managing and controlling digital print orders; and is the first element in the process where jobs enter print production.
BlueFX front-end module. Import custom job formats as well as published formats like Noritsu Hot Folder, Fuji C8 and DPOF
Import published and custom job formats to automate printing.


The goal here is to provide an easy way to import jobs into existing digital print workflows. In so doing the user has the opportunity to replace or extend their existing photo print production:

BlueFX could therefore add in-house or external automatic fulfilment capability from Web Orders or Kiosks for example; or ease the transition to new printing technologies like Inkjet by replacing a legacy WetLab with one or more newer dry minilabs.

Some popular import formats already supported are: Noritsu Hot Folder, Noritsu DPOF, Konica DPOF, Kodak DP2, Agfa PfDF (.b00), Fujifilm C8/MS13, Theta, GotPhoto, Sytist, Pic-time, Pixieset, ProSelect, ShootProof, LiveLink, Netlife, Dakis, and more…

Combine existing and new software to maintain existing capabilities whilst creating an update path.


An existing workflow can be centred around printers or editing software. Noritsu users could continue to use EZ Controller and through DPOF or NHF redirect the output to say a Frontier-S or SureLab.

Similarly, on the editing side, users of Express Digital Darkroom, Timestone, ImageQuix, Photolynx and others can ‘print’ to BlueFX and thus extend the range of possible output devices. Devices such as Epson SureLab, Fujifilm Frontier, Agfa, Konica and Noritsu Dry and Wet labs.

Create options for processing various types of orders like package printing, internet orders, and custom order forms


In order to provide even more flexibility BlueFX can import from custom and bespoke jobs. This is ideal for Photo Labs handling School, Sports and Events Photography. These jobs invariably involve packages which have been assigned to a number of images.

Here the Order can simply originate from a simple spreadsheet (.CSV) with automatic mapping of key entries like image, product and copy count, but can easily extend to include say backprint information.

BlueFX is the first step in device-independent print automation


A powerful engine for ripping, packaging and printing

A powerful engine for ripping, packaging and printing

BlueControl is the second software element in this workflow partnership. Whereas BlueFX imports jobs into the workflow, BlueControl deals with the exporting of those jobs. Not just as a simple file export, but acting as a software RIP to print to supported hardware devices (including duplex printers).
BlueControl RIP. Package printing, Hot folders, Backprinting, Network printing , ICC and more.
Versatile RIP for printing to a host of devices like Fuji, Epson, Noritsu and Agfa


BlueControl can export these jobs in a number of forms. The program can export images in a variety of picture formats. But acting as a software RIP it can print to supported hardware devices like newer Inkjet printers and also legacy wet minilabs such as Fuji Frontiers and Agfa d-Labs.

This is one way in which we can manage the transition from old to new technologies.

In short, BlueControl can act as a Pro RIP software for both Epson, Fujifilm, and other printers. Printing can take place both directly or indirectly: Either direct to Epson SureLab and Fujifilm Frontier-S; or via the Epson Order Controller or Fujifilm MS01.

Use highly-configurable hot folders for easy printing. When the hot folders are shared over a LAN makes any supported printer effectively a network printer.

Hot Folders

One of the more powerful features of BlueControl is the ability to provide Hot Folder batch printing. Here, countless highly configurable folders can be created to make printing simple and easy. Image files just need to be dropped into the chosen folder for printing.
Therefore, BlueControl can act as a type of network printing software. It could also be regarded as a print server when used for printing over a LAN – effectively turning Epson SureLab, Fujifilm Frontier-S, and others into ‘Network Printers.
Construct bespoke package products

Package Printing

A key feature of BlueControl is the ability to do Package printing. This is done ‘on-the-fly’ with the user being able to create their own packages in PackFX. This photo package printing software is able to create different sizes of the same image on one page. Or, using different images, print multiple photos in one page.
Using it as a printer layout software, you can create your own templates. This makes it an essential tool for Schools, Wedding, Events, and Sports high volume photography printing. One of the major goals of BlueControl is to provide a consistent interface to all supported output devices. And provide all the features that Professional Photo labs have become accustomed to such as: Batch Printing, ICC Profiles, Templates, Cropping and Backprint control.

Discover BlueControl’s Pro Features: Batch Printing  ICC Profiles  Templates Cropping Hot Folders Backprint control

Discover BlueControl’s Pro Features:

Batch Printing  ICC Profiles  Templates Cropping Hot Folders Backprint control


Quick Editing and Job submission

Quick Editing and Job submission

x-Studio is a useful companion to BlueControl. It’s goal, like BlueFX, is to send jobs to the print workflow for automated printing.​
x-Studio is a powerful tool for making simple edits and colour changes then creating orders for the workflow.
Collect and organize images into job folders and create workflow orders for BlueControl. Import .b00 files

Create Jobs

Whereas BlueFX imports jobs principally created elsewhere, x-Studio gives the user a simple set of tools to create their own orders, including custom templates, from scratch.
Make simple changes like zoom and crop to prepare a batch of images for printing

Edit Jobs

Aimed at Pro-Photographers, Lab operators and Print Shops, images can be organised in folders and displayed on screen to a given size and display number.

Here, simple cropping, rotation and resizing can be carried out to the aspect ratio of the target service. Image metadata can also be read and displayed while editing an order.

Make simple colour changes including Sepia and B&W

Adjust Colours

Perform quick colour adjustments like Sepia or B&W with the click of a button. Or use the sliding controls to customise the effect. These settings can be stored for future use.

We are a third party software provider for Epson, Fujifilm and Noritsu Printers. Find your local hardware vendor at the Epson, Fujifilm, Noritsu Global Portals to purchase professional photo printers such as: the Epson SureLab Series which start from around $1000; the Fujifilm Frontier-S DX100 which starts from around $2500; and the Noritsu QSS Green which starts from around $20,000.

x-Studio is an easy to use order preparation tool.

See how…


Printer RIP Software for Epson and Fujifilm printers

Printer Software

Inkjet printing solutions

Every workflow is unique. BlueFX customises your workflow to automate tedious, repetitive processes in the Lab
BlueFX Suite of Batch Print programs

Modular Programs

Acquire, Edit and Process jobs

BlueFX has simple, powerful tools to make your ideal workflow a reality. See how…

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InsituaFX provides printing workflow solutions for retail and pro labs.
InsituaFX provides printing workflow solutions for retail and pro labs.